A Simple Approach to Resetting Your Health.

Do you suffer from symptoms and are frustrated you can’t get to the root of the problem?

 Symptoms are often a sign that the body is malfunctioning at a deeper level and unless these underlying issues are addressed, you will not be able to reach optimal health.

Normal function of our digestive, detoxification, immune, and endocrine systems (including adrenals and thyroid) are compromised from constant daily emotional and physical stress, as well as bio-chemical stessors such as heavy metals, pathogens, environmental chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, and food additives.

These same stressors deplete vital minerals that are needed in hundreds of chemical reactions that keep us alive. These reactions occur at the cellular level. A full spectrum of 78 minerals and trace elements that work in synergy are required for proper cell function. Our cells make our tissue. And our tissue makes our organs, which in turn makes our systems. Unless we ensure we have the proper nutrients inside cells, our bodies will start to break down and makes us vulnerable to diseases. Proper testing can help reveal any imbalances.

Blood tests may not give you an accurate picture of your mineral levels. This is why you may be told you have a clean bill of health even though you know and feel something is wrong.

Blood simply transports nutrients, and it always works to maintain balance. Most minerals on a blood test will fall within a normal range (until the body is in a more severe state) because the body maintains this balance by either “stealing” minerals from other sources, or by removing excess metals and minerals into tissues or excreting them in urine. If levels are low, the body will pull from bones, teeth, and organs to maintain the needed supply of minerals in the bloodstream for survival. Blood tests only accurately report what is being transported in your blood at the time of the test. If the test is taken just after a banana was eaten, it can indicate a high potassium level, even though there is an overall deficiency of this mineral.

Blood testing does not accurately reflect mineral imbalances inside cells.

A blood test might indicate sufficient calcium even though levels in the bones are so depleted that severe osteoporosis can develop. Or magnesium and potassium levels may be within range even though a loss is occurring at the cellular level. Detection at an earlier stage may mitigate more serious problems later on. A magnesium deficiency has been associated with increased incidences in heart attacks and anxiety among other symptoms and low potassium inside cells may cause fluid imbalances, muscle pain and cramps, and heart palpitations.

Mineral deficiencies are responsible for a host of health problems, which are incorrectly treated with drugs.”
— — Dr. Robert Thompson, Author of “The Calcium Lie”

Many often self-diagnose and take random or excess supplements. This may actually cause more harm than good as this may upset the delicate balance of nutrients that your body needs. For example, taking too much vitamin D may lower potassium, vitamin A, and/or magnesium levels. And taking too much zinc may lower copper and iron levels.

A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a simple tool that you can use to get an overall picture of your internal environment including mineral balance, metal toxicities, general adrenal function, thyroid function, and nutrient absorption. It reveals a unique metabolic world and intracellular activity that cannot be seen through most other tests.

After 40 years of research, hair analysis has emerged as the most practical method of testing for mineral balance in your body. Hair is used as one of the tissues of choice by the Environmental Protection Agency in determining toxic metal exposure, and in 1983, B.J Stevens wrote that there was already a considerable body of literature on the use of hair in forensic science, in the diagnosis of disease states, and in the assessment of nutritional status (Determination of Aluminum, Copper, and Zinc in Human Hair)

Often, just balancing mineral levels may have far reaching effects on our health, both physically and mentally, as the correct balance is essential for the proper functioning of our main systems including endocrine, detoxification, and immune systems.

A hair test is a cost-effective and simple yet comprehensive way to provide the road map needed to design a targeted nutritional and detox program utilizing minerals that are suited for your specific needs.

What you may see on a Hair Mineral Analysis:

Mineral Deficiencies

Mineral Toxicities

Heavy Metal Toxicities

Malabsorption Markers

Tissue Calcification

Protein Absorption

Adrenal Markers

Thyroid Ratio

Metabolic Rate

Inflammation Marker

Bone Loss Pattern

And More!

A Hair Mineral Test is a valuable beginning of your health journey.