Karen Calomino, MS, FDN-P, BCHN®

Karen is a Holistic Health Consultant and the owner of ResettingHealth, LLC. Although she received her BS in Marketing at the University of Illinois in Chicago where she graduated at the top of her class, her passion for health and fitness led her to study at the Clayton College of Natural Health, where she completed her Masters in Holistic Nutrition and graduated with highest honors. Her expertise in Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) stems from working with hundreds of clients over the past ten years.

She is a member of the National Association of Nutritional Professionals and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition® a credential that demonstrates she has achieved the highest level of professional recognition and validation of her knowledge and experience in the holistic nutrition industry.

In addition to her experience with HTMA, she is certified as a FDN® Practitioner interpreting functional laboratory testing, a Metabolic Balance® coach, and a personal trainer from the National Association of Sports Medicine.

Works include articles in the Sibyl magazine and presentations titled “The Impact of Stress on our Physiology”, “Feel Empowered to Control your Health”, and “Why do a Hair Analysis?”

Like so many others, Karen experienced emotionally stressful times in her life which naturally affected her health. After learning she had severe adrenal fatigue and was diagnosed with chronic bronchial asthma among other issues, she realized that she had a choice to make when it came to healing. She could either put all her faith in the medical community to make decisions for her and hope for the best OR she could take control of her own health. She chose the latter which lead to a deep curiosity and passionate quest to discover how our body is able to heal itself given the correct diet and lifestyle. Today, after healing herself, her passion continues as a desire to share this information with others.


Education and Certifications

2003 B.S. in Marketing / University of Illinois at Chicago - Summa Cum Laude

2010     M.S. in Holistic Nutrition / Clayton College of Natural Health

2013     FDN Practitioner certification / Reed Davis, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®

2013     “Fat is Not Your Fault” Physiology Course” / Dr. Brian Walsh

2014     Hair Mineral Analysis certification / Dr. Rick Malter, Malter Institute

2014     Personal Trainer certification / National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

2015     Metabolic Balance Coach certification / Metabolic Balance®

2017     Advanced HTMA course / Wendy Myers, Myers Detox®

2017     Cooking class certification / Metabolic Balance®          

2018     NES Bioenergetic Practitioner Certification / NES Health

2019 Blood Chemistry Course / Dr. Brian Walsh

2020 Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition® / Holistic Nutrition Credentialing Board NANP

 I'm so glad you visited this site because your interest is a huge first step in regaining your health.  It's not easy. It takes a lot of willpower, consistency, and determination. You won't see results overnight because it takes time for your body to heal internally. I will tell you though that the rewards make every bit of the journey SO worth it. Little by little you'll start noticing things. Like more energy, or less bloating after meals, or that you don't have that many headaches anymore. Whatever the case, these are signs that your body is getting back on track. Experiencing these changes is very inspiring. It's incredibly empowering to know that you played a part in this and that you do have control over your health! It's all about getting to know your body and what it needs to function at its best. If you do decide to take the next step, I would love to help you help yourself live life fully!

Wishing you Optimal Health! Karen
Contact me at karen@resettinghealth.com with any questions.