ResettingHealth provides drug-free, personalized consultations that work to R.E.S.E.T. your Health™ utilizing proven laboratory testing and online tools.

Karen Calomino, MS, BCHN®, FDN-P

My mission is to empower individuals to actively participate in rebuilding their health and work toward returning his or her body to its natural state of optimal function and innate healing.

A Simple Approach to Resetting Your Health.

Do you suffer from symptoms such as fatigue, depression, anxiety, weight problems, blood sugar imbalances, high blood pressure, lack of sleep, digestive disorders, and thyroid and/or adrenal problems?....

And are you tired of never getting to the root of the problem? Of getting a clean bill of health even though you know that something is off?

If you experience any of these or other symptoms then your body is malfunctioning at a deeper level and unless the underlying issues are addressed, you will not be able to reach optimal health. Learn how a simple approach with a hair trace mineral analysis may help you gain back your health.

Learn how we can help rebalance your health

Hair Mineral Analysis Test and Consultation

This is a multi-element assay (35 Elements) of hair that provides information about your mineral status in your cells and extracellular tissues. Many common symptoms may be due to mineral deficiencies so this is an excellent tool to detect imbalances. It also provides information about heavy metal toxicities, thyroid and adrenal health, and much more!

DUTCH Complete Hormone Test and Consultation

The Dutch Complete™ is Precision Analytical’ s flagship product. This test is a comprehensive assessment of sex and adrenal hormones and their metabolites. It also includes the daily, free cortisol pattern, organic acids, and melatonin. Adrenal or HPA Axis dysfunction and hormone imbalances can affect almost every system in our body and cause many symptoms including fatigue, inflammation, blood sugar dysregulation, anxiety, poor libido, and insomnia. Supporting your adrenals and balancing hormones is an essential step to improving your overall health.
